First participation of MAScIR in CES LAS VEGAS with two innovations. Obtaining the 1st Prize for University / Business Competitiveness 2017 edition for a project with the company Afrique Cable.


Creation of the Startup « Moldiag By MAScIR » which won the Prize of the 2ndedition of African entrepreneurship awarded by BMCE Bank of Africa and finalist in the competition « Challenge Cup 1776 ».


Signature of the first project within the framework of an international call for projects funded by the Ministry of Higher Education. Signing of the first recovery contract. Obtaining the 1st Prize for university / business competitiveness, 2015 edition for a project with the company SOTHEMA. Prize for innovation at the Meknes SIAM agricultural show. Designation…


Signature of the first project as part of an international call for projects funded by EUROSUNMED.


Consolidation and installation of the three poles at the MAScIR technological platform in Rabat Design Center Madinat El Irfane in Rabat.


Signature of the first national and international customer contracts. Filing of the first MAScIR patent.


Creation of the « Biotechnology pole » and the « Microelectronics pole » in the premises of Nemotek Rabat Technopolis.


Creation of INANO – TECH: « materials and nanomaterials pole » in the ENSET offices in Rabat.


Creation of the MAScIR Foundation « Moroccan Foundation for Advanced Science Innovation and Research ».