The MAScIR Foundation received, on October 28, 2019, a delegation made up of 40 representatives of French companies from the Mouvement des Entreprises de France (MEDEF), led by Mr. Fabrice LE SACHE, vice-president and spokesperson of MEDEF.
Mrs. CHRAIBI, Executive Director of the MAScIR Foundation, took the opportunity to welcome the excellent relations between Morocco and France and mentioned the role of research and development in the implementation of innovative solutions, notably in the context of the growth experienced by the various Moroccan and French ecosystems.
During their visit to the Foundation’s technological platform, several companies expressed their interest in the activities carried out by MAScIR researchers and their wish to collaborate on joint projects.
Impressed by the multidisciplinarity and the applied character of the research carried out at MAScIR, Mr. LE SACHE expressed the satisfaction of his delegation with the projects developed by the Foundation, which augur well for fruitful exchanges in the future.