MAScIR at the Futur.e.s in Africa for the 2nd time

MAScIR took part, on October 29, 2019, in the second edition of Futur.e.s in Africa, devoted this year to the issues of the development of sustainable territories. This edition, rich in exchange between the Moroccan, African and French digital ecosystems, saw the collaboration of the Ile-de-France region, Maroc Numeric Cluster and the Cap Digital agency.
The event saw the presence of Mr. BAKKOURY president of the Casablanca-Settat region, of Mrs. DUBLANCHE vice-president of the regional council of Ile-de-France; of Mr. KETTANI, president of Maroc Numeric Cluster who visited the MAScIR stand. In addition, Mrs. CHRAIBI, Director General of the Foundation, during her speech at the third round table entitled “Agritech at the service of sustainable territories”, emphasized the primacy of R&D in the development of oriented solutions market to meet the needs of the Moroccan and African agricultural industries.
BOURZEIX, director of the Embedded Systems and Artificial Intelligence center at MAScIR participated in the workshop “Social start-ups and researchers responding to the challenges of urban mobility”.