The MAScIR Foundation, a national player in research and development (R&D), notably in the field of medical biology, development and design of molecular diagnostic kits for infectious and cancerous diseases, announces a partnership agreement with ILS Pharma, an international service laboratory based in Canada.
The partnership protocol was signed on November 24, 2021 at the Foundation’s headquarters, by Ms. Nawal CHRAIBI, Executive Director of the MAScIR Foundation and Mr. Amine ALLAMI CEO of ILS PHARMA, in the presence of Mr. Alain OLIVIER, Director of the Quebec office in Rabat, Mr. El Hassane BOUSSELMAME, Mrs. Asmae AMROUCHE, commercial attaché of the Embassy of Canada to Morocco and Mr. Mounir DAKKIR, president of the essential group of pharmacy and drugstore.
MAScIR and ILS Pharma have agreed to collaborate with companies in Canada and Morocco to accelerate the development of medical biotechnology solutions and products as well as to participate in joint research projects in areas of common interest.
MAScIR (Moroccan Foundation for Advanced Science Innovation & Research), is a research center under the Mohamed VI Polytechnic University. It aims to promote and develop R&D poles in advanced technologies, in order to meet the needs of Morocco, especially in the field of medical biology. MAScIR, with its highly qualified human resources and its equipment at the cutting edge of technology, has shown, through its registered patents, its scientific articles and its achievements with national and foreign industrialists, its maturity and its capabilities in scientific and applied research.
ILS Pharma is a leading pharmaceutical laboratory in Canada that is accredited by the US-FDA and Health Canada. Its main activities include : regulatory and analytical services offered to manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements and cosmetic products. ILS Pharma supports its customers from the Research & Development stage to the marketing of their products.